About Us

Passionate about biodiversity conservation and fair resource sharing, we supply top quality products from the Venezuelan Amazon with unwavering dedication.

We are a passionate Venezuelan company from the heart of the Amazon dedicated to creating lasting impact through sustainable projects and the commercialization of non-timber products from the Amazon rainforest.


Our commitment to ethical and ecological practices is unwavering, and we proudly adhere to the international conservation protocols established by the Union for Ethical BioTrade and the Nagoya Protocol.


Our main goal is to offer exceptional natural products that exceed quality standards, while promoting fair labor practices and supporting indigenous communities. We aspire to showcase the unique flavors and traits of our organically grown products to the world.


We believe in the power of sustainability and ethical practices to make a positive difference in our world, and we are committed to making that difference. Join us on our journey to global recognition and environmental impact.


Our Mission

Promotion of sustainable practices, preservation of biodiversity and empowerment of local communities.

Our values

Integrity, innovation, ethical sourcing, environmental stewardship and community empowerment.